We are so thankful for Dr. Larkin and her ability to accurately evaluate our child for an auditory processing disorder. Dr. Larkin worked very well with our child during the evaluation and was so helpful in explaining the details of her findings. Dr. Larkin used terms and provided examples which helped us understand the diagnosis and therapies available. As a first step, Dr. Larkin recommended CAPDOTS as an online therapy tool for us to use with our child each day. Dr. Larkin ensured CAPDOTS was functioning properly prior to us starting the therapy sessions. The program was easy to use and each session lasted approximately 30 minutes. At the completion of the program, which can take approximately 8-12 weeks, Dr. Larkin re-evaluated our child to determine if further therapy was needed. Thankfully, with the assistance of CAPDOTS, our child tested within the normal range in the follow-up evaluation. We are grateful for Dr. Larkin’s knowledge and assistance in helping us work with our child in our home to achieve a successful outcome for an auditory processing disorder.